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She's just gross - not even a good hair could help this girl.


She's sure to get the female role in the new "Cave Man" series this fall.


aaww :( BUT I LIKE THAT!!!


man that looks nasty she really let herself go even farther. i thought she was ugly when she was young now she reinforced it

The Hair Guru

Not diggin the 'do AT ALL. I'm hoping she was trying to hide from the public. I must say I liked her better with short hair

The Hair Guru

Not diggin the 'do AT ALL. I'm hoping she was trying to hide from the public. I must say I liked her better with short hair

The Hair Guru

Not diggin the 'do AT ALL. I'm hoping she was trying to hide from the public. I must say I liked her better with short hair

beto xD

esta bien serda la vieja da asco no mames q la pongan anorexica a ver si asi vaja la pendeja

Costume Jewelry online

I guess you couldn't expect much more from Kelly Osborne right?!

hair extensions

Kelly just get some hair extensions from they will look far better than a wig and wont look aweful. sort it out kelly, you normally have great hair and you sometimes wear clip in hair extensions...just stay away from the hair wigs!

Jade Wright

I don't think her bangs look too bad here. I'm sure they were professionally cut, but maybe they didn't use Kamisoris - My personal favorite tool. It does make a difference.

Carol Clifton

Hideous! She forgot to look in the mirror and will be discarding that wig real soon.


yes this is a new free CHATROOM under


Kelly should forget wigs and try out hair extensions, I get mine from


Maybe she could try one of these


nice pic..

check my funny blog on bad day..


haha, I never saw this photo before. She looks horrific! I've always dug the short do's on her. Long fake hair is definitely a don't on her.


I just wanted you to know, GET BACK TO THE KITCHEN YOU JUDGEMENTAL WHORE! Women should be baking pies not clucking like hens. You disgust me, and other find you a disgusting waste of precious earth and oxygen too. I hope you get shot and you're allowed to rot in your own urine and feces. Even that would be to good for a "butter" face like you.

With Love,

Anon :)

hair straighteners

She is not looking so bad on my opinion. nice wig though.


Maybe her mum can recommend a good cosmetic surgeon. Actually, if she's not, why not? It was good enough for her.


agh! cover my eyes....quick!

Jennifer V.

looks gross on her!


She needs to check this site:

Hair Loss Products

It's funny I haven't reviewed any hair extension or wig products, but you would think they would have some better ones out there. Especially with Ozzy's bankroll.

hair iron

Very good collection.

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