reports that Britney's terrible black dyejob is actually a desperate attempt to help her image. Apparently, little Miss Britney thought it would be a clever, and chaotically "real" (airquotes!) for her to do her own hair and makeup for the Dateline interview debacle seen by millions of people. After hearing the milllion different articulations of "rats nest" to describe her hair, she decided to take out her extensions and bought a bottle of black dye. Yes, she DYED IT HERSELF! Touching up roots, or covering up gray can be easily accomplished with home hair dye, but making such a drastic color change requires a professional colorist.
"Spears' representative insists the singer checked with her doctor first to see if dying her hair was safe for her unborn child adding, "It's vegetable dye and will wash right out." Oh man, Britney, vegetable dye my ass! Just because you're shaped like an eggplant, doesn't mean I'll believe you use vegetable dye. When she continued to color and bleach her hair during the Preston pregnancy, and during the beginning of this one, she was not using vegetable dye. She was using ammonia and bleach. Sure there is no conclusive evidence between hair dye and birth defects, but Britney knows that people love to jump all over her for being a bad mother. She'll lie, dye, and cry all she can for people to love her again. And with her new bad hair (which won't just "wash out", she will have to strip the color out) is not going to help.
How about not going on television and various magazine covers and asking people to leave you alone, Britney? How about just going away and letting the fickle nature of pop culture wash you away from our lives forever?
Technorati Tags: Britney Spears, Hair Dye, Circling the Drain
Doesn't that Bazaar cover make her look a bit like Katie (Kate) Holmes, only slightly more awake?
Posted by: salmonella | June 30, 2006 at 12:23 AM
wow, she isnt looking good. I remember being ten and worshiping her, now I just wish she would disapear?!!!?!?!?!?!?
Posted by: Erica | June 30, 2006 at 09:58 PM
I just wanted to say that this site seems so negative. I'm trying to understand how some people can sit around and care enough about someone else's private life to harp on a bad fucking hair day? Grow up! It's beyond me why you would personally attack someone you don't know, complain that "they're just not having a good hair day" while they're enjoying the breath of their baby, and honestly think they would care in the first place!
Get real.
Posted by: Nikki | March 26, 2007 at 09:23 PM
she looks like a 2 buck whore in that blonde picture.
Posted by: MXARiN | April 22, 2007 at 10:08 PM
Hey thanks for good information about Britney Spears Bad Hair Extensions. This is amazing all the things you do!
Thank you so much!
Posted by: Hair Extensions | September 14, 2010 at 10:18 PM
listen to me you fuckin' bitch, why don't you let her live, dpn't youhave a life? why the fuck do you sooo need to critize her messy moments? we all have them, and after all the fights, divorce, mantaining her babies, she couldn't care about how she looks, now she looks better luckily hun, to shut all your motherfuckin critizin mouths
Posted by: Cindy | March 15, 2011 at 03:40 PM
I agree. She does look a little like Katie Holmes.
Posted by: Umbrella | August 16, 2011 at 01:31 PM