It's all about the hair

  • Welcome to the Bad Hair Day Blog - and as the Bad Hair Czar I will be merciless in pointing out the Hair DON'Ts Celebrities commit, as well as offer helpful tips about how to avoid your own Bad Hair Day!

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definitely a piece


Matt Dillon hair piece?? Who cares, and no way. Get a freaking life.


who are you to be talking about matt dillon!?????????? i love him so i hate that you put that!


It looks fine to me.

rvja pgebvnq

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Matt Dillon will always be the sexiest man alive in my book so hair piece or not damn he is hot!!!

Frog Prep

Frog prep his ass!!

jack vincent

I have the same hair as Dillon, its all natural and looks like that sometimes when the wind blows. It grows in all crazy directions. I could be wrong, but my opinion is, NOT A PIECE!


What bullshit - that's his real hair you fucking idiot!


The ridge is where he sets his sunglasses. My husband had the same thing and he has a full head of hair, at least until I rip it out! LOL!

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